Sport flooring installation in 2022


Sports facilities are structured in a certain way to maximize the athlete’s performance. It also aims to eliminate and minimize the risk of injuries that can occur due to activities. Sport Flooring Installation is vital for those spaces made for those kinds of events.

We have expanded our offer of floor coverings to provide solutions to any kind of need. We have flooring for residential, commercial and corporate uses, hotels, sports areas and for industrial and hospital uses; you can check in our blog about the different kinds of flooring materials we have for you.

Within our flooring line you will find vinyl flooring, laminate flooring, rubber flooring, carpets and other materials.

Sport Floors for each space

In general, let’s talk about the sports floors available in the market and that are recommended for any space, inside a school, in a gymnasium, in sports courts of all kinds, soccer, and volleyball, among others.

One of the most effective ways to protect athletes is to prevent injuries by ensuring that athletes play on the right type of indoor and outdoor sports flooring and surfaces. Sports flooring types are manufactured with special care to provide shock absorption and a surface suitable for each sport.

Sports floors at the Olympics

Between February 4 and 20 of the same month, the next milestone in the Olympic calendar will take place in China with the meeting of the best winter sports.

After the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, the Chinese capital will once again host another edition of the Olympic Games.

For this type of event, stadiums and venues must be adapted for each sport:

For the basketball games, the installation of wooden sports floors was an arduous task. This type of flooring requires flexible wood, which is available in a specific type; it is very important to make the right choice of wood. Before installing it, elastic framing must be installed, which will give the floor the necessary cushioning and flexibility when performing physical activities on the surface; and to the athlete a better protection of their joints as they absorb the impact.

Then the planking process and finally the polishing of the planking: once the floor is laid, it is polished to make the surface even more homogeneous; then the floor is cleaned with a damp cloth to remove any particles that may damage the final finish. 

This process ends with the plasticizing and painting of the floors. Of course, the supervision of this process for a high magnitude event is extremely detailed; the exigency in materials and installation is high, since mistakes are not allowed.

Another example, are the floors for athletic tracks, these must have high resistance, resist wear and tear and the ability to withstand traffic, that is why they need a material that bounces and at the same time, is resistant. Usually, polyurethane floors or similar materials are used.

The floors for soccer fields are made of artificial turf, those of the swimming gym are waterproof floors, and so on, and each discipline has its own specifications for the installation of sports floors.

Types of sports floors

sport gym with rubber flooring installation

Flooring for gyms

Modular tile made of rubber vulcanized in high pressure, designed to provide an optimal elastic and acoustic absorption. As a whole, this material provides the ideal safety for environments where the pavement is subjected to high pressures.

Vinyl sports floors

Believe it or not, it is possible to condition any sports space with vinyl. This material is extremely versatile, which allows it to adapt to different needs. They may not be the most popular or recommended flooring for sports or recreational spaces, but their use has become more frequent and today it is common to choose them for these environments.

If you want to know what else we can offer do not hesitate to contact us, one of our specialties is the installation of floors in large places and we have not only a well-trained team, but with high quality materials and for different spaces.