Blog - Philadelphia Flooring Solutions

Renewing the floors in your house: the best options for your interiors - Philadelphia Flooring Solutions

Written by Wilson Velez | May 27, 2021 3:35:08 PM

The type of floor that you are going to install is decisive to give character to your house. In this case, you are looking to make a renovation of the floors in the interior spaces of the house.

In the market you can find a variety of coverings for the floors of your house, each with characteristics that make them suitable for certain areas and needs. The choice of floor covering for your home not only depends on an aesthetic and economic aspect, there are also other factors to take into account, such as: traffic, humidity, exposure to sunlight and durability.

Types of flooring for renewing your interiors 

On the floor of the houses, there are trends that mark what is in fashion at all times. The options are not limited to choosing between wood and tile, because there are new materials that have expanded the range of floors that are installed in houses nowadays.

Ceramic floors

Ceramic floors are a classic in home interiors. There are ceramic tiles of very different qualities, and their formats, finishes and forms of placement easily adapt to what is trendy.

If you want to keep them for a long time, the ideal is to go for ceramic floors in a neutral color and a classic format, for example, square tiles. They vary a lot in qualities, so it is not advisable to choose the cheapest floor.

  • Advantages: these are very clean floors and easy to maintain. 
  • Disadvantages: these are cold, and when the quality is not good, they scratch quickly and can break easily when heavy objects fall on them.
  • Ideal spaces: ceramic floors are the undisputed kings of kitchens and bathrooms, although they are also recommended in houses, chalets, etc. where to enter and exit the patio and garden.

Check our ceramic tile here:*&start=0&catstart=0&sort=&filter={datile_application%02Flooring%03Residential%01}#products-search-start 

Marble floors

Marble floors are highly appreciated, because marble is a noble stone with undeniable aesthetic qualities, unalterable over time.

  • Advantages: beauty, resistance and chromatic richness are the distinguishing characteristics of marble. Being a natural stone, there are never repeated patterns.
  • Disadvantages: these are cold floors and need maintenance (polishing). They are delicate due to their high absorbency, so they have a tendency to stain, which does not make them ideal, for example, for kitchens. They require specific products for cleaning.
  • Advice: if you are looking for an elegant and exclusive floor that will last over time, marble is the material of choice. It is an ideal soil for hot climates, since it always stays cold; in more extreme climates, put large rugs in living areas and bedrooms to keep them warm.

Check this gorgeous product if you want to try with marble floors: 

Laminate flooring

Laminate floors have become popular as an option when renewing the floor. These are slats made from sheets glued to each other, made of materials derived from wood that have been pressed. Specific laminate floors have also been created to resist humidity in kitchens and bathrooms, which are giving very good results.

  • Advantages: these are very easy to install, and cheaper than wood. They do not discolor or deteriorate easily nor do they need to be stabbed, they can last a lifetime. Laminate floors are also very easy to keep clean.
  • Disadvantages: resistance to humidity is still one of the weaknesses of these floors (if a liquid is spilled, the slats may sag), unless they are design specifically for kitchens and bathrooms. Unless they have an antistatic treatment, these floors tend to produce small discharges.
  • Advice: the joints are the weak point of this material, so if the floor is not well leveled, the joints end up deteriorating. To choose the right resistance, it is best to seek for the most professional team, Philadelphia Flooring Solutions

Check here our laminate floors available for you: 

We are a team trained for flooring installation in Philadelphia. We can advise you, if you want to change the floor of your home, office or any space that requires it.

We are aware that not all households are the same or have the same priorities; that is why we listen to our clients, this is what helps us to offer you the best option, and always adjusted to your budget.