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Egyptian style for your home, and your floors - Philadelphia Flooring Solutions

Written by Wilson Velez | Jun 10, 2021 1:58:59 PM

Ancient Egypt has always been a place that we have fallen in love with. Its mythology and culture are an attraction to many around the world; at least, in the idyllic image that we keep of this place. The Egyptian style is always trendy for decoration and design, and we would like to give you some ideas, inspired in this magnificent culture that you can create by installing our floors at your Philadephia home.

Egyptian floors and deco in your home

You can have ancient Egypt in your own home by just adding some elements, like a new floor. Thanks to interior design, the spaces of your home will have the limits that the ones you set. 

Hieroglyphs for Egyptian style floors, walls, and other elements in the decoration space

Hieroglyphs are elements used frequently in decoration based on this style. These are descriptive symbols in which stories were told. You can hang them on frames and rugs on the walls of your house. The lamps and Egyptian statues will be essential to complement the decoration of your new Egyptian space.

Colors for Egyptian floors and walls are minimalistic

Colors are very important to start because Egyptian Style is filled with vivid colors, in a very unique combination. Black, white, and gold are the most used, because ancient Egyptians were very elegant, and they loved to combine these to create a very magnificent environment. To create contrast and as a background, you can use pale colors and sandstone tones. But what we recommend is that you choose gold or black as the main color.

Furniture and other elements in decoration

The level of sophistication of the furniture from Pharaonic Egypt can only be matched by Imperial Rome, there is nothing like it nowadays. We know furniture well through pieces that have been preserved intact in tombs, through paintings inside them, or through sculpture. 

For the furniture, the most suitable will be sideboards, tables, and shelves made of wood or painted in gold. To decorate the walls, hang pictures of Egyptian landscapes. The murals are elements that combine very well with this exotic style.

Carpets are essential accessories for the Egyptian style. So, place a few that are elegant on the floor to add warmth and elegance to the room.

For the floors, we recommend polished floors, if you want wooden floors these should look very clean and bright, but we recommend natural stone floors from our collection because this can have the colors and textures you need. Also, glass tile floors, if you want to be original and last, our beautiful vinyl floors, these you can have in the luxury version here. Vinyl is a great choice because you can combine it in colors or varied designs to create a great Egyptian space.

A bit about Egyptian history…

We are so used to our way of life that it is difficult for us to imagine what day-to-day life is like in other countries and in other times. So, when it comes to ancient Egypt, a mysterious place that has served as inspiration for movies, stories, and of course, interior design, we might find it difficult to understand, but yet, we would love to experiment it.

The building materials were very diverse. These varied greatly over the years. At first, papyrus was used and from there it was switched to adobe. The wealthiest could afford to build in stone; we can see the pyramids and the old houses in the cities.

Houses used to be built high to protect themselves from sandstorms. Their homes were flat, of a single height. In addition, the roofs were flat too, so they did not need any mechanism to evacuate the rainwater. But because of the sandstorms, the windows were so narrow. In this way, they sacrificed fresh air but gained protection against the fury of the desert.

If you want to give your home an Egyptian touch, remember that it is not only about ornaments and rugs, but about design and knowing how to combine colors and give life to spaces; with our options, you can have Egyptian-style floors and give a different feeling to your environment.